For the memories of our beloved brother Ubaidah Mahir Abdul Mu'ti Al-Qudsi Ad-Duwaik, 25th years old who passed away Sunday morning (13/9/2009) at the hospital in Palestine after weeks of suffering from his wounds. Ubaidah was one of the International Islamic University – Malaysia students. Peaceful and active member in Al Aqsa Friends Society.
He was at his hometown Al Khaleel (Hebron) on his way to perform the prayers at the mosque when the Israeli soldiers shot him and left him bleeding before taking him to the hospital. At the hospital, neither his family nor his lower were allowed to visit him.
The reasons behind shooting and killing this peaceful friend - who’s wedding was scheduled to be within the coming few weeks – are not that relevant.
He was at his hometown Al Khaleel (Hebron) on his way to perform the prayers at the mosque when the Israeli soldiers shot him and left him bleeding before taking him to the hospital. At the hospital, neither his family nor his lower were allowed to visit him.
The reasons behind shooting and killing this peaceful friend - who’s wedding was scheduled to be within the coming few weeks – are not that relevant.

A message which I received from my friend on that day:
"Salam, Al-fatihah buat seorang pelajar UIA warga Palestine, bernama Ubaidah yang juga ahli Al-Aqsa society UIA kerana telah syahid. Dia telah ditahan sebelum ditembak 6 kali oleh tentera israel laknatullah sewaktu dia ingin masuk ke masjid Al-Aqsa untuk solat. Khabarnya dia pulang ke palestine untuk menziarahi ibubapanya, tapi Allah telah memilinhya sebagai syuhada'. Subhanallah...Alfatihah."
"Salam, Al-fatihah buat seorang pelajar UIA warga Palestine, bernama Ubaidah yang juga ahli Al-Aqsa society UIA kerana telah syahid. Dia telah ditahan sebelum ditembak 6 kali oleh tentera israel laknatullah sewaktu dia ingin masuk ke masjid Al-Aqsa untuk solat. Khabarnya dia pulang ke palestine untuk menziarahi ibubapanya, tapi Allah telah memilinhya sebagai syuhada'. Subhanallah...Alfatihah."
For more details click here:
1. Aqsa IIUM
2. Insanonline.net
3. Martinelli's Blog
Saya selalu jgk ikuti program Kelab Al-Aqsa Friends Society and from my observation br.Ubaidah memang mmpunyai semangat jihad yg tinggi.
Perlu muhasabah diri kita semua, mampukah kita juga mendapat syahid seperti beliau??? Ya Allah, jadikan kami tergolong dikalangan syuhada'!
Al Fatihah buat semua para pejuang Fisabilillah & para Mujahidin yang syahid kerana Allah.
Allahukbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Wa Lillah hil Hamd.
What a beautiful person.
May Allah Ta'ala protect all of the Mujahideen and grant them victory over their enemies.
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